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  OmniMD Is ONC-ACB Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2 Certified  
 System Administrator - 2/19/2014 11:54 AM

Providers can meet both MU Stage 1 and MU Stage 2 criteria

OmniMD is now certified as a Complete EHR Technology for Ambulatory practice under ONC HIT Certification Program 2014 Edition. OmniMD is certified by CCHIT, an Office of the National Coord

  Use New PQRS Interactive Timeline to Prepare for Upcoming Milestones  
 System Administrator - 2/17/2014 5:49 AM

Use New PQRS Interactive Timeline to Prepare for Upcoming Milestones
If you are an eligible professional or group practice participating in PQRS, CMS wants to make sure you are prepared for the many important program milestones that are approaching. To help you navig

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  Ebola fears speed changes in U.S. hospital record systems
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:23 AM

Artice by Divan Dave, CEO, OmniMD on Reuters

  Why One-Size-Fits-All does not work for EHR
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:03 AM

Article by Divan Dave, CEO, OmniMD

  Why Physician Use of Telemedicine May Increase in 2015
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:00 AM

Article by Divan Dave, CEO of OmniMD on

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