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  MACRA - MIPS 2019 Update  
 System Administrator - 6/15/2018 4:46 AM

Quality Management : Full Calendar Year

Promoting Interoperability Category (PI) formerly known as Advancing Care Information (ACI) : 90 Consecutive days

Improvement Activities(CPIA) : 90 Consecutive days

Cost : Full Cal

  CMS finalizes 90-day reporting for meaningful use and allowed both 2015 and 2014-certified EHRs for 2018  
 System Administrator - 8/14/2017 2:06 PM

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has cemented a 90-day reporting period for attesting to meaningful use of electronic health records. For 2018, CMS will allow a 90-day reporting period. This change applies to hospitals and physicians in the Medicare and Med

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  Ebola fears speed changes in U.S. hospital record systems
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:23 AM

Artice by Divan Dave, CEO, OmniMD on Reuters

  Why One-Size-Fits-All does not work for EHR
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:03 AM

Article by Divan Dave, CEO, OmniMD

  Why Physician Use of Telemedicine May Increase in 2015
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:00 AM

Article by Divan Dave, CEO of OmniMD on

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