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  Review 2016 Reporting Requirements for Secure Electronic Messaging and Public Health Reporting Objectives  
 System Administrator - 12/15/2016 9:47 AM

For certain measures in the CMS EHR Incentive Programs final rule, CMS changed the reporting requirements over time to increase flexibility.

CMS provided alternative reporting options and exceptions for providers who are:

  Understand the rules for MU Stage-2 for Year 2016, avoid penalties and ensure compliance  
 System Administrator - 12/6/2016 2:20 AM

Reporting Period: 90 Days Any Quarter Submission Deadline: 02/28/2017
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  Ebola fears speed changes in U.S. hospital record systems
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:23 AM

Artice by Divan Dave, CEO, OmniMD on Reuters

  Why One-Size-Fits-All does not work for EHR
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:03 AM

Article by Divan Dave, CEO, OmniMD

  Why Physician Use of Telemedicine May Increase in 2015
System Administrator - 1/9/2015 9:00 AM

Article by Divan Dave, CEO of OmniMD on

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