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  Clinicians: MIPS Participation Status Letter  
 System Administrator - 4/28/2017 7:07 AM

CMS will send message to clinician in late April through May for MIPS Participation Status.

We need to share this news to our clients.

Clinicians:MIPS Participation Status Letter

CMS is reviewing claims and letting practices know which clinicians need t

  CMS Update : The 2016 PQRS data submission deadline for reporting using an EHR has been extended to 03/13/2017.  
 System Administrator - 2/7/2017 11:21 AM

CMS Update : CMS extends the submission deadline for 2016 Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) data submission for the EHR reporting mechanism of the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) program. Individual eligible professionals (EPs), and qualified EHR da

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  Ebola fears speed changes in U.S. hospital record systems
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Artice by Divan Dave, CEO, OmniMD on Reuters

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